Textured layer goes on top

Smooth layer goes on the bottom

May use up to 3-4 days if it remains unsoiled and dry
Hygienic Benefits
- Prevents bio-organisms from penetrating into the pillow or mattress.
- Protects pillow and mattress from being contaminated with bodily fluid secretions such as saliva, pus, blood, etc.
- Prevents cross-contamination of dust mites and germs between different users of the same mattress and/or pillows.
- Ensures new and clean surface for every user.
Favorway Disposable
Bed Sheets & Pillowcases
- Clean/Immediately replaceable
- Does not stain mattress and pillows
- Packed and ready-to-use
- Zero laundry cost
- Occupies small space
- Needs little manpower
- Zero water and electricity costs
Why Favorway?
Favorway disposable pillowcases and bedsheets are made from high-quality, hygienic and non-woven materials to ensure patient’s safety and prevent hospital acquired infection (HAI) in hospital beddings and linens.
It has a unique and patented two-layer system. The top layer absorbs liquid spills while the bottom layer prevents it from leaking or penetrating into the underlying material (e.g. mattress or pillow).
Favorway’s Unique 2 Layer System
Top layer absorbs the fluids to prevent spills
Bottom layer is impermeable to prevent fluid leakage to the mattress or pillow

Prevention is betterthan Cure
Enjoy a worry-free stay at any hotel or hospital. Bring your Favorway Travel Care Packs with you!
Hotels can be a place to unwind and relax. However, we can never be sure whether the mattress, bed sheets and pillowcases are free from bacteria, molds or other microorganisms that can lead to infection for you and your companions.
In the same manner, hospital mattresses, bed sheets and pillowcases can also be a source of cross contamination which can lead to infection and other complications. Make sure that your hospital stay will lead all the way to recovery and not further your stay due to complications brought about by hospital acquired infection (HAI).
Every household must have Favorway Travel Care Packs at home in case of emergencies. If someone suddenly needs to be confined at the hospital, you can throw in a Favorway Travel Care Pack and be assured that they will not be infected from bacteria in hospital linens.

High Risk Level
Studies show that various diseases can be contracted during one’s stay in hospital and hotels. This is due to the fact that bacteria and other microorganisms are hard to kill despite washing and disinfection.
10 mins @ 60°C | No | Enterococcus Faecium | Wilcox & Jones, 1995 [10] |
10mins @ 60°C or 3 min at 71°C | No | Certain strains of Enterococcus Faecalis and Enterococcus Faecium |
Orr et al. 2002 [11] |
Less than 10mins @ 60°C | 3 Ml Peroxyacetic Acid / kg textiles |
Enterococcus faecium, Staphylococcus aureus |
Fijan et al. 2007 [12] |
Less than 10mins @ 60°C | 3 ml Peroxyacetic acid / kg textiles |
Enterococcus faecium, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Enterobacter aerogenes |
Fijan et al. 2007 [12] |
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