Are Favorway bed sheets and pillowcases washable?
No, Favorway bed sheets and pillowcases must be properly disposed and not be washed for reuse. Washing will not remove all of the bacteria, may degrade the material and cause it to spread possible harmful microorganisms even more.
When do I know it is time to dispose Favorway bed sheets and pillowcases?
Favorway bed sheets and pillowcases can be used up to 4 days if they remain dry and unsoiled. However, once it is wet or soiled, it must be disposed of right away.
Is Favorway biodegradable?
No, some materials used to protect us from infections are non-biodegradable. Favorway must be disposed properly as non-biodegradable waste.
How do I dispose Favorway?
For hospital use, dispose the used Favorway bed sheets and pillowcases in yellow trash bags which contains infectious wastes.

For travel use (non-medical purpose), pack used Favorway bed sheets and pillowcases back to its packaging, and dispose off properly in the trash bin classified as non-biodegradable.

Since Favorway bed sheet is a flat sheet, is there a way to secure it so it will not slip or become loose when the hospital bed is tilted?

Yes, there is a proper way of mitering that hospital housekeeping or nurse should be able to do. You may also click this link to see the proper way of mitering